Books like Matilda

If you are searching for ‘books like Matilda’ on Google, which can mean two things. One, you have recently read Matilda and are on the hunt for similar books that can help you relive the magic you witnessed while reading Matilda (or, the creative author in you). Second, you have recently re-read the book and are on the lookout for more books like Matilda with great characters that are as lovely and relatable as Matilda. Whatever the case, it is time to read something as good!!! Right? So here we go:


Interesting tidbits:

Most of the books on the list is by David Walliams & Roald Dahl – know why!!

Throughout his career as a writer, David Walliams’ work has been compared to Roald Dahl numerous times. Just like Roald Dahl, his books are known for their funny & anarchic narrative with kids as heroes. This makes his work the perfect follow up after Matilda. 

Books like or similar to Matilda

Demon Dentist – David Walliams


Tooth fairy is not the same anymore. Instead of leaving money under children’s pillows once they have had a tooth fallen out, she is leaving some really nasty things like a spider & a dead slug. Demon Dentist is all about who is behind it, a journey full of laughter and surprises.

Gangsta Granny – David Walliams

This funny tale will make you yearn for more. It is a story about Ben, a little boy who is being sent to stay with his granny, who he thinks is boring and is sure his stay will be downright unbearable, filled with boredom & cabbage soup. All his assumptions go down the gutter when he finds that her Granny has a lot of things planned out (one of which is the theft of the crown jewels!) for which she will need Ben’s help.

Mr. Stink – David Walliams

Mr. Stink is a funny and uplifting character, something you or your child will instantly fall in love with. It also tells the story of Chloe who when finds that Mr. Stink is being abdicated from the town, he hides in her garden shed. While keeping her secret safe, Chloe learns that Mr Stink has his own secrets.


The Worst Witch – Jill Murphy